(714) 771-5040
800 N. Cambridge St., Orange, CA 92867
Spanish Program
Our Saviour's Children's Center is excited to announce our new Spanish Program for the 2022-2023 school year. This program is an elective for an additional cost. The Spanish Program is designed to enhance your child's learning with the early introduction of foreign language. Language is most easily acquired in the youngest formative years, so Our Saviour's is motivated to find ways to introduce foreign language to our educational curriculum. This class is an elective being offered during the day, when students will not miss out on other academic subjects.
This program has limited enrollment capacity and, due to the high volume of interest, we are asking that parents please contact the office to inquire about availability for your child's grade level, or to be placed on the waiting list.
Our Saviour's Children's Center utilizes the popular soccer program, Soccer Shots. Enrollment information is sent home with every student and enrollment in this enrichment program is optional.